Sep 25, 2008

How to stop the erosion of America Innovation System?

This is a topic that has been treated by several editors, writers and politicians, but the appropiate person to analyse the topic is the Pulitzer winning Thomas L. Friedman.

In repetitive ocassions he has been telling us what to do for mantain the first world position on innovation. 
"Unless we make America the country most able to innovate, compete and win in the age of globalization, our leverage in the world will continue to slowly erode"

So, the American people has 2 options,

1) Buy the McCain Speech for pursue the "Drill, baby,drill" strategy.
2) Put very attention to Obama mantra of "invent, baby, invent"

We already known the consequences of McCain plan following the strategies made by Bush administration, so in this article we are going to focus on Barack Obama plan for restore the confidence in America and not only mantain the first position on innovation but to advance in developing of green technologies to start buing independent of the oil.

If you go to the website of Obama you will find all the info of the presidential plan, here is the info for the INNOVATION plan.


“Let us be the generation that reshapes our economy to compete in the digital age. Let's set high standards for our schools and give them the resources they need to succeed. Let's recruit a new army of teachers, and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America.”

— Barack Obama Presidential Announcement Speech in Springfield, IL 02/10/07

The key points i have prepared for you are:

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